Well System Inspection
You are not required by law to have a well inspection completed when buying or selling property. However, you may want to know the condition of the well before purchasing a property. Some lenders may require it be done, check your loan requirements.
The state law requires a well inspection to be conducted by a licensed well driller or licensed pump installer. Several regulations apply to ensure proper inspection and sampling.
Per the Wisconsin DNR regulations:
The inspection includes visible and known noncomplying features of the well and pressure system. The inspection does not include the plumbing distribution system.
The inspector will evaluate the well and pressure system according to the code in effect at the time of construction or installation, except that well and pressure systems installed before Feb. 1, 1991, must comply with subch. IV of NR 812 [exit DNR], and a well and pressure system ever used for potable water supply must comply with the NR 812 requirements for potable water supplies.
The inspection must include a search for any unused or noncomplying wells that must be filled and sealed to protect groundwater and health.
The inspection must include all wells on the property. A separate inspection form may be used for each well.
What is included with our well system inspections:
Inspection of well for visible code compliance
Check that setback distances are met or exceeded, per State Code
Check the casing: Height above grade, Thickness, Overall Condition
Check the well cap: Ensure proper seals, vents, screens, overflows and gaskets are on well head
Ensure well and pump are working properly
Volume of water the well or well pump is able to produce
Collect water samples for analysis in a state certified laboratory
Coliform bacteria, e-coli, Nitrate and Arsenic
Any additional testing per your request, check with your lender for requirements
Educate on proper maintenance of the well system
Northwoods Property Inspections does not perform repairs on well systems. This means that we have no interest in identifying an issue to obtain repair work. We are independent inspectors conducting a thorough and honest inspection. We encourage you to attend the inspection, especially if you are a first time well owner so we can inform you of the operation, care and maintenance or your well system.
If the inspector determines that a well or pressure system has a noncomplying feature, it remains a matter between the buyer and the seller. The inspector can provide advice on how to bring the system into compliance, if so desired.